Longboarding Inspiration

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"Longboarding and skateboarding emerged in the mid 1950s, around the same time that the surfing scene exploded in southern California. When the waves weren’t breaking, surfers took to the streets on their often-homemade boards (wood planks with roller skating wheels were standard), carving up the pavement in a way that mimicked the turns of surfing. Soon, “sidewalk surfing” became a sport in its own right, blazing trails that ultimately led to the emergence of skateboarding in the sixties and seventies. Today, longboarding is a constantly evolving type of skateboarding which blends many styles and disciplines. In recent years, companies have become increasingly more devoted to developing well-designed, high-performance boards for every type of rider."

"Like all skateboards, longboards are made from a sturdy wood, such as maple or birch. The average longboard incorporates seven to ten plies of wood, glued and pressed together to provide the basis for what will eventually become a deck. The press forms the board by adding a concave indentation along the length of the deck (for control and foot comfort) and either a rocker or camber (where the middle of the board either sags or pops up)." found on https://www.tactics.com/info/longboarding